You've Been Lied to About Getting Old

I have a pet peeve. I never thought I did, but I have one. How often do you hear someone saying "I'm just getting old" when they are talking about their body? This drives me crazy. You know why? Not because of the person who is saying it, but because this is a lie that has been perpetuated and it can stop right here.

The truth is, you can be 30 and feel 50. Or you can be 50 and feel 30! How old you are has nothing to do with how you feel, and "getting old does NOT mean that you are destined to be stiff and achy all day long

Chiropractic care is the secret to feeling your absolute best. You’ll not only feel younger, but you’ll also move better. Think of all the things you can do with less joint pain, more energy and more agility. Sometimes it’s the little things like sitting on the floor to play with your grandkids. And then being able to get back up!! Chiropractic care also helps to can help to improve sleep quality, reduce stress and anxiety, and strengthen the immune system. It can also help to improve circulation, digestion, and energy levels.

You can feel different, even if you are "feeling old" right now, it's not too late. Nobody wants to live in pain, young or old.

I have personally seen people's story transform so many times in our office. We here things like this all the time:

"I'm not stiff when I wake up anymore."

"I'm not sore from a day of gardening"

"I don't have to retire from playing softball after all!!"

So, you have a mission, if you choose to accept it. The next time you hear "I'm just getting old" out of someone's mouth... pause. They've been lied to and you're going to have to be the one that tells them the truth: "It doesn't have to be that way."

Whether it is someone you care about saying it, or you saying it, I can help. When you have a clear and healthy nervous system, your body feels and heals better. You can get a different kind of chiropractic care and you can get your youth back.

How would that be?

There is actually no charge to start with a conversation. You can schedule a complementary pre-consulation on the website and sit down with us to share your history and goals, with no pressure, to see if the care and office is a good fit.

And I have something cool to tell you, I don't do this very often, but just through the end of this month, when you complete and exam and doctor's report you can get $50 off a new patient exam, a $100 Whole Foods co-op gift card!

Give our friendly team a call or schedule free online to see how we can help you live your best life!

I think you're going to be really excited when you see what is possible.

See you soon!


Dr. Lara is a holistic chiropractor in Duluth MN. Her gentle chiropractic care focuses on helping your nervous system self regulate better, and is great for pediatrics, geriatrics, women, and kids of all ages.


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